Dungeons & Dragons Tiny Adventures

Wikipedia Entry

Charisma and Intelligence checks occur more often in swamps.

List of Encounters[]

Level 1[]

Special Types[]

(0) Constructs[]
(0) Dragons[]
(1) Giants[]
(1) Magic[]
(1) Traps[]
(1) Undead[]

Armor Class (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

While wading waist deep through a particularly sloppy patch of water in the swamp, NAME was startled by a nearby splash and an unpleasant sensation of being bitten in the thigh.

(found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #1,2)

(found in Sins of the Saltmarsh, encounter #6)

His/Her armor absorbed the bite, and a few forceful attacks with his/her trusty WEAPON scared the alligator off.
  • 55 XP
His/Her armor was not quite strong enough, and it took several violent attacks with his/her WEAPON to get the alligator off him/her. Back on shore, NAME applied some first aid before moving on.
  • 5-10 damage
  • 16 XP

In the middle of the night, NAME awoke with a start to see a shambling man standing over him/her. The man swung a club at NAME without warning.

(found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #5)

(found in Sins of the Saltmarsh, encounter #6)

A mixture of armor and agility allowed him/her to avoid injury from the savage attack. Once on his/her feet, he/she realized that his/her foe was a zombie! He/She grabbed a handful of kindling he/she had prepared earlier and threw it on the embers of the all-but-dead fire. They caught immediately, and NAME grabbed a burning stick. He/She bashed the zombie with the flaming stick, setting it on fire too. By morning there was little left beside bones -- and an unexpected treasure. NAME took the brunt of the blow but managed to roll away and crawl closer to the glowing embers of the all-but-dead fire. He/She grabbed a handful of kindling and threw it on the embers. They caught immediately, and NAME grabbed a burning stick. He/She bashed the zombie with the flaming stick, setting it on fire too. By morning there was little left beside bones -- and an unexpected treasure.
  • 6 damage
  • 38 XP
  • 5 gold

Attack Bonus (3)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results
To say the size of the giant rat NAME faced off against was unusual would be an understatement. Most townsfolk would never believe such a large rodent could exist. Nevertheless it had come thundering through the roots and brambles and was now smack in front of him/her with its teeth bared.

(found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #1,3,5x2)

(found in Sins of the Saltmarsh, encounter #4,5x2,6x2)

NAME almost had a hard time taking the rat seriously as he/she ATTACKED it with his/her WEAPON.
  • 60 XP
  • 9-15 gold
It was a difficult battle but NAME eventually ATTACKED the rat with his/her WEAPON. He/she did not come away entirely unscathed, however.
  • 6-9 damage
  • 20 XP

Hearing the sounds of battle, NAME hurried toward them, remaining careful not to be seen. A group of orcs had surrounded a small party of adventurers and was closing in for the kill.

(found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #5)

Approaching the nearest orc from behind, NAME shouted a battle cry as he/she fiercely ATTACKED the brute. This surprise attack turned the battle against the orcs, rallying the frightened adventurers to victory. The orcs had been out raiding all day, and they were carrying plenty of gold. NAME and the adventurers divided the treasure and parted company.
  • 2-4 damage
  • 72 XP
  • 15-22 gold

A strange construct of iron and wood had lumbered out of the swamp and onto the road, blocking NAMEs way. Several carriages, unable to pass, were backed up. The golem seemed to be somewhat half-heartedly constructed, and it had a very obvious pendant around its neck. NAME decided to take action.

(found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #5)

NAME aimed carefully and struck the pendant dead center. It broke and the golem froze up. The golem fell heavily to the side of the road, and the travelers all cheered their savior. Some of them even paid him a reward.
  • 2-4 damage
  • 159 XP
  • 140 gold
NAME aimed carefully but missed striking the pendant as the golem jerked out of the way. Its heavy fist smashed into NAME throwing him/her against a tree. Its attention focused on NAME, he/she led it into the swamp and off of the road. By the time he/she shook the construct and returned to the road, only one of the travelers was still there. At least one grateful traveler gave NAME a tip.
  • ? damage
  • ? XP
  • ? gold

Charisma (4 + 1 rare)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

While peacefully strolling through the swamp, NAME heard a voice call out. "Halt! Hands in the air." Looking around he/she saw the lithe figure of an elf mere yards away, pointing a very loaded bow at his/her face.

(found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #1-5)

(found in Sins of the Saltmarsh, encounter #4)

NAME praised the elf's vigilance and, carefully choosing his/her words, explained what he/she was doing here. The elf appeared to believe NAME, and soon the two were laughing and telling each other stories without any pointy things pointing at anybody.
  • 55 XP
Try as he/she might, NAME couldn't convince the elf of her innocence. The elf shot NAME in the leg and bound his/her wrists. They got halfway back to town before another passing adventurer recognized NAME and vouched for his/her good intentions.
  • 5-10 damage
  • 16 XP

Hacking his/her way through the reeds, he/she accidentally stumbled right into a pack of kobold skirmishers.

(found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #1-5)

(found in Sins of the Saltmarsh, encounter #4)

Hoping to scare them off quickly, he/she raised his/her WEAPON high and shouted a few meaningless arcane words in his/her most authoritative voice. The kobolds panicked and scattered, several plowing into each other in their rush to escape. They dropped some things in their hurried exit. Hoping to scare them off quickly, he/she shook his/her WEAPON at them and shouted some incoherent gibberish as loud as he/she could. The kobolds were not impressed. They drew their short swords and surrounded NAME. Outnumbered and getting savagely poked, NAME turned and fled. Easily outpacing them, he/she was able to duck behind a tree and surprise the first one that ran past. Not wanting to risk capture, he/she hid from the rest of them until he/she could no longer hear them searching the area.

While traveling through the swamp, NAME met a group of galeb duhr, boulder-shaped elementals. In need of information to guide his/her path, NAME struck up a conversation.

(found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #5)

(found in Sins of the Saltmarsh, encounter #5)

Using his/her superior social skills, NAME determined that they had recently escaped their earth giant masters and were therefore able to properly insult giant-kind to their delight. They shared some of the loot they had liberated from their former masters, and a merry time was had by all.
  • 68 XP
  • 16-22 gold
Galeb duhr are often the slaves of earth giants. Not sure as to the enslavement status of this group, NAME tried to start up a conversation with them. He/She ended up inserting his/her foot directly into his/her mouth instead. They were not pleased, and gave NAME a good thumping before they continued on their way.
  • 6-11(max) damage
  • 22 XP
  • 4-6(max) gold

While preparing to have lunch, NAME heard a party of adventurers approaching. They were outfitted in armor that glittered despite the grime of the swamp, and they carried weapons more beautiful than any NAME had ever seen.

(found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #5)

(found in Sins of the Saltmarsh, encounter #6)

Very humbly, NAME greeted them and offered to share his/her lunch with them. One of them (a beautiful elf who most assuredly was a princess where she came from) complimented him/her on his grace in a tone that might have been condescending. By remaining humble and polite, NAME remained in their good graces. They treated him/her to a share of their magically blessed food. Not feeling the need to defer to these clearly high-strung nobles out for a so-called adventure, NAME grumbled a greeting to them. As expected, they were rude and condescending back, and their warlock spat a curse at NAME before leaving him/her to his/her meager meal.

NAME heard shouting up ahead and, when she/he forged through the reeds, saw a dwarf and a human, both in adventuring gear, arguing in front of a patch of quicksand. Their argument was about how they would cross the dangerous terrain. Apparently it was too wide for the dwarf to jump across, so the human had suggested he could throw the dwarf across.

(found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #5)

By using her/his diplomatic prowess, NAME was able to convince the dwarf that she/he has been tossed many times and it was a glorious thing. She/he further explained that being tossed was extremely skill intensive, and she/he would totally understand if this particular dwarf was not up to the task and that NAME would be happy to go first and demonstrate the technique. Naturally the dwarf shoved her/him out of the way and declared he was an expert at being tossed, and would show your adventurer a thing or two about how it was done. The three of them all crossed the gap successfully, and the human passed NAME a reward for her/his help, behind the dwarf's back. NAME tried to convince the dwarf that tossing was so much fun that it was worth any amount of embarrassment, but the dwarf wasn't buying it. The three of them ended up wasting a lot of time searching for a suitable tree to cut down and use as a bridge. They all nearly fell into the quicksand anyway. In the end, the dwarf passed NAME a tiny reward for her/his help in avoiding the tossing of anyone.
  • 30 XP
  • 16 gold

Constitution (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

The rain was pouring down through the leaves, feeding the churning river that NAME was wading across. Suddenly, the stirring currents sucked him/her underwater. NAME desperately held his/her breath while trying to resurface.

(found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #1,2x3,3,4)

(found in Sins of the Saltmarsh, encounter #4,6)

NAME was able to hold it together long enough to swim up and over to the other shore without sustaining any serious injuries.
  • 1-4 damage
  • 74 XP
NAME almost drowned when his/her lungs gave out. S/He thrashed about, gasped for air, took in water, and surfacing intermittently as the river dragged him/her along for what seemed an eternity. Nearly an hour later, NAME emerged from the river battered and exhausted.
  • 4-10(max) damage
  • 25 XP

Dexterity (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME came to a broad stretch of water with some rough stones just breaking the surface. S/He noticed something glittering on the far shore and thought it would be wise to investigate.

(found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #5)

(found in Sins of the Saltmarsh, encounter #5,6)

S/He leaped gracefully from stone to stone and reached the other side. There s/he discovered the corpse of an orc raider decaying among the brambles. S/He buried the poor brute, but not before removing everything s/he thought its family might want ... you know, on the very slim chance s/he would later meet them -- and they wouldn't be trying to kill him/her. FAIL TEXT

Intelligence (4)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME was making good progress through the swamp.

(found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #5,6)

(found in Sins of the Saltmarsh, encounter #6)

S/He was using a ten-foot pole to probe the ground in front of him/her. Suddenly the pole plunged deep below the surface. Swishing it left and right to clear the leaves out of the way, NAME revealed a pit trap! S/He decided to roll a big rock into the trap and hide nearby to catch whoever set it. When the brigands came to check on their trap, s/he was ready for them. FAIL TEXT

While picking his/her way through the murky darkness of the swamp, NAME heard a faint cry for help. When he/she rushed forward, he/she saw another adventurer struggling in a patch of quicksand!

(found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #1,3-5)

(found in Sins of the Saltmarsh, encounter #4,5,6)

NAME, thinking quickly, produced the ten-foot pole and length of rope that he/she conveniently had been carrying in his/her backpack. Using those tools, he/she was able to easily construct an apparatus to save the sinking adventurer. In thanks, the adventurer gave him/her some gold before heading off into the swamp.
  • 69 XP
  • 14-21 gold
NAME tried everything he/she could to rescue the adventurer, but eventually he/she was forced to admit defeat as the ever-present quicksand claimed yet another victim. NAME was sad about this, but not sad enough to forgo looting the belongings that were left behind.
  • 16 XP
  • 4-7 gold

NAME cautiously approached a scary weathered shack made of blackened wood and clay, a pale purple glow leaking from its windows. Suddenly, the front door flew open and therein appeared a witch whose very skin crackled with age and power.

(found in Sins of the Saltmarsh, encounter #5,6)

Not knowing for certain that the witch was an enemy, he/she greeted her politely. NAME asked if there was something he/she could do for the witch in exchange for information about recent happenings in the swamp. The witch smiled, happy to be treated nicely for a change. She told NAME what she could and even presented him/her with a gift and an enchantment to aid him/her in his/her adventures. Full of fear and lacking understanding, NAME charged the witch, weapon ready to strike her down. The witch cackled and, with the flick of her wrist and wave of her wand, lifted NAME into the air. She tumbled him/her slowly end over end, completely helpless. After a brief lecture on politeness and something about paper wrappings around tomes, she tossed NAME to the ground and let him/her go his merry way.
  • 7-10 damage
  • +3 Charisma for 3 encounters
  • 20 XP

There were a great many old logs lying around the swamp. As they laid rotting, a thick and furry green moss had begun to engulf them. There was something peculiar about one of the mossy logs . . .

(found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #5)

(found in Sins of the Saltmarsh, encounter #6)

After staring for what seemed a long time, the answer dawned on NAME -- the moss was only growing on half of this log and there was a very straight line dividing the mossy half from the plain old, rotted, black, and wet half. The log must have been rolled! A quick search led to a hidden treasure. The treasure had the markings of a well-known tribe of bandit goblins active in those parts. He/she relieved the bandits of their stash. Unable to figure out what was so peculiar about that log, NAME forged ahead through the swamp. Only much later did NAME realize that he/she should have looked under the log.
  • 22 XP

Strength (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

After a long afternoon of adventuring, NAME came across a family and their wagon stuck deep in the mud. They were moving to the city because the father had gotten a new job in a prominent guild.

(found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #1,2,3,4x2)

(found in Sins of the Saltmarsh, encounter #4x2,5)

He/She braced him/herself and, with a mighty heave, freed the wagon and pushed it to a drier patch of road. The family was grateful that they had escaped the swamp before night fell. They gave NAME a gift for helping them on their way. He/She huffed and puffed, but even with all his/her might he/she could not budge the wagon an inch. He/She guarded the family from several attacks during the night. The next morning, another adventurer happened by and together they freed the wagon. The family hurried on, lingering only long enough to reward the adventurers for their assistance.
  • 4-10(max) damage
  • 18 XP
  • 5-7(max) gold

Wisdom (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

While slogging along in the swamp, NAME came upon a strange looking patch of wet sand.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 9

(found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #2-4)

(found in Sins of the Saltmarsh, encounter #4,5)

Recognizing it immediately as quicksand, NAME decided to take an alternate route. It meant more walking but a lot less dying.
  • 55 XP
Thinking nothing of it, NAME stomped right on through -- only to find him/herself waist deep in quicksand! NAME knew better than to panic and get him/herself further mired. He/she relaxed and tried to float. Luckily another adventurer happened along, threw NAME a rope, and pulled him to safety.
  • 16 XP

Level 2[]

Special Types[]

(0) Constructs[]
(0) Dragons[]
(1) Giants[]
(1) Magic[]
(1) Traps[]
(1) Undead[]

Armor Class (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

While wading waist deep through a particularly sloppy patch of water in the swamp, NAME was startled by a nearby splash and an unpleasant sensation of being bitten in the thigh.

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #1,2)

Her/his armor absorbed the bite, and a few forceful attacks with her/his trusty WEAPON scared the alligator off.
  • 55 XP
His/her armor was not quite strong enough, and it took several violent attacks with his WEAPON to get the alligator off him/her. Back on shore, NAME applied some first aid before moving on.
  • 7-8 damage
  • 16 XP

In the middle of the night, NAME awoke with a start to see a shambling man standing over him. The man swung a club at NAME without warning.

(found in Book of the Four Gods, encounter #1,2)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #1,2,3)

A mixture of armor and agility allowed him/her to avoid injury from the savage attack. Once on his/her feet, he/she realized that his/her foe was a zombie! He/She grabbed a handful of kindling he/she had prepared earlier and threw it on the embers of the all-but-dead fire. They caught immediately, and NAME grabbed a burning stick. He/She bashed the zombie with the flaming stick, setting it on fire too. By morning there was little left beside bones -- and an unexpected treasure. NAME took the brunt of the blow but managed to roll away and crawl closer to the glowing embers of the all-but-dead fire. He/She grabbed a handful of kindling and threw it on the embers. They caught immediately, and NAME grabbed a burning stick. He/She bashed the zombie with the flaming stick, setting it on fire too. By morning there was little left beside bones -- and an unexpected treasure.
  • 5-11 damage.
  • 38 XP
  • 4-5 gold

Attack Bonus (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

To say the size of the giant rat NAME faced off against was unusual would be an understatement. Most townsfolk would never believe such a large rodent could exist. Nevertheless it had come thundering through the roots and brambles and was now smack in front of him/her with its teeth bared.

(found in Book of the Four Gods, encounter #1)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #2,3)

NAME almost had a hard time taking the rat seriously as he/she ATTACKED it with his/her WEAPON TYPE.
  • 60 XP
  • 9-13 gold

Hearing the sounds of battle, NAME hurried toward them, remaining careful not to be seen. A group of orcs had surrounded a small party of adventurers and was closing in for the kill.

(found in Book of the Four Gods, encounter #1,2)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #1,2,3)

Approaching the nearest orc from behind, NAME shouted a battle cry as he/she fircely stabbed the brute. This surprise attack turned the battle against the orcs, rallying the frightened adventurers to victory. The orcs had been out raiding all day, and they were carrying plenty of gold. NAME and the adventurers divided the treasure and parted company.
  • 2-4 damage
  • 72 XP
  • 15-24 gold
NAME approached the nearest orc from behind and launched his/her attack. The brute's armor deflected the blow, the orc turned on NAME, and returned the blow tenfold! The other adventurers sprang into action, as several of the other orcs fell into their carefully laid traps. They thanked NAME for his/her unnecessary valor, treated his/her wounds, and even shared some of the orcs' treasure with him/her.
  • 6-11 damage
  • 24 XP
  • 3-5 gold

Charisma (4 + 1 rare)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Hacking her/his way through the reeds, she/he accidentally stumbled right into a pack of kobold skirmishers.

(found in Book of the Four Gods, encounter #1)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #1,3)

Hoping to scare them off quickly, he/she raised his/her WEAPON high and shouted a few meaningless arcane words in his/her most authoritative voice. The kobolds panicked and scattered, several plowing into each other in their rush to escape. They dropped some things in their hurried exit.

Hoping to scare them off quickly, he/she shook his/her WEAPON at them and shouted some incoherent gibberish as loud as he/she could. The kobolds were not impressed. They drew their short swords and surrounded NAME. Outnumbered and getting savagely poked, NAME turned and fled. Easily outpacing them, he/she was able to duck behind a tree and surprise the first one that ran past. Not wanting to risk capture, he/she hid from the rest of them until he/she could no longer hear them searching the area.

While peacefully strolling through the swamp, NAME heard a voice call out. "Halt! Hands in the air." Looking around he saw the lithe figure of an elf mere yards away, pointing a very loaded bow at his face.

(found in Book of the Four Gods, encounter #2)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #1,3)

NAME praised the elf's vigilance and, carefully choosing his/her words, explained what he/she was doing here. The elf appeared to believe NAME, and soon the two were laughing and telling each other stories without any pointy things pointing at anybody.
  • 55 XP
Try as he/she might, NAME couldn't convince the elf of his/her innocence. The elf shot NAME in the leg and bound his/her wrists. They got halfway back to town before another passing adventurer recognized NAME and vouched for his/her good intentions.
  • 5-10 damage
  • 16 XP

While traveling through the swamp, NAME met a group of galeb duhr, boulder-shaped elementals. In need of information to guide his/her path, NAME struck up a conversation.

(found in Book of the Four Gods, encounter #1)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #1-3)

Using his/her superior social skills, NAME determined that they had recently escaped their earth giant masters and were therefore able to properly insult giant-kind to their delight. They shared some of the loot they had liberated from their former masters, and a merry time was had by all.
  • 68 XP
  • 16-20 gold
Galeb duhr are often the slaves of earth giants. Not sure as to the enslavement status of this group, NAME tried to start up a conversation with them. He/She ended up inserting his/her foot directly into his/her mouth instead. They were not pleased, and gave NAME a good thumping before they continued on their way.
  • 5-10 damage
  • 22 XP
  • 5-6 gold

While preparing to have lunch, NAME heard a party of adventurers approaching. They were outfitted in armor that glittered despite the grime of the swamp, and they carried weapons more beautiful than any Enduran had ever seen.

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #1,2)

(found in Book of the Four Gods, encounter #1)

Very humbly, NAME greeted them and offered to share his/her lunch with them. One of them (a beautiful elf who most assuredly was a princess where she came from) complimented him/her on his/her grace in a tone that might have been condescending. By remaining humble and polite, NAME remained in their good graces. They treated him/her to a share of their magically blessed food. Not feeling the need to defer to these clearly high-strung nobles out for a so-called adventure, NAME grumbled a greeting to them. As expected, they were rude and condescending back, and their warlock spat a curse at NAME before leaving her to her meager meal.

NAME heard shouting up ahead and, when she/he forged through the reeds, saw a dwarf and a human, both in adventuring gear, arguing in front of a patch of quicksand. Their argument was about how they would cross the dangerous terrain. Apparently it was too wide for the dwarf to jump across, so the human had suggested he could throw the dwarf across.

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #1x2,2)

By using her/his diplomatic prowess, NAME was able to convince the dwarf that she/he has been tossed many times and it was a glorious thing. She/he further explained that being tossed was extremely skill intensive, and she/he would totally understand if this particular dwarf was not up to the task and that NAME would be happy to go first and demonstrate the technique. Naturally the dwarf shoved him/her out of the way and declared he was an expert at being tossed, and would show your adventurer a thing or two about how it was done. The three of them all crossed the gap successfully, and the human passed NAME a reward for his/her help, behind the dwarf's back. NAME tried to convince the dwarf that tossing was so much fun that it was worth any amount of embarrassment, but the dwarf wasn't buying it. The three of them ended up wasting a lot of time searching for a suitable tree to cut down and use as a bridge. They all nearly fell into the quicksand anyway. In the end, the dwarf passed NAME a tiny reward for his/her help in avoiding the tossing of anyone.
  • 30 XP
  • 23 gold

Constitution (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

The rain was pouring down through the leaves, feeding the churning river that NAMe was wading across. Suddenly, the stirring currents sucked him/her underwater. NAME desperately held his/her breath while trying to resurface.

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #3)

NAME was able to hold it together long enough to swim up and over to the other shore without sustaining any serious injuries.
  • 1-2 damage
  • 74 XP
NAME almost drowned when his/her lungs gave out. He/she thrashed about, gasped for air, took in water, and surfacing intermittently as the river dragged him/her along for what seemed an eternity. Nearly an hour later, NAME emerged from the river battered and exhausted.
  • 4-8 damage
  • 25 XP

Dexterity (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME came to a broad stretch of water with some rough stones just breaking the surface. He/she noticed something glittering on the far shore and thought it would be wise to investigate.

(found in Book of the Four Gods, encounter #2x2)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #2x3) (found in Cutthroats of Crawling Bog, encounter #5)

He/she leaped gracefully from stone to stone and reached the other side. There he/she discovered the corpse of an orc raider decaying among the brambles. He/she buried the poor brute, but not before removing everything he thought its family might want . . . you know, on the very slim chance he/she would later meet them -- and they wouldn't be trying to kill him/her.

The crossing was slow, mainly due to NAME's lack of balance. He/she tumbled into the deep pool, hitting his/her head on one of the rocks on the way in. NAME pulled him/herself together and swam the rest of the way. On the far shore, he/she discovered the corpse of an orc raider decaying among the brambles. He/she buried the poor brute, but not before removing everything he/she thought its family might want . . . you know, on the very slim chance he/she would later meet them -- and they wouldn't be trying to kill him/her.

Intelligence (5)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME was making good progress through the swamp.

(found in Book of the Four Gods, encounter #1)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #1)

He/she was using a ten-foot pole to probe the ground in front of him/her. Suddenly the pole plunged deep below the surface. Swishing it left and right to clear the leaves out of the way, NAME revealed a pit trap! He/she decided to roll a big rock into the trap and hide nearby to catch whoever set it. When the brigands came to check on their trap, he/she was ready for them. Suddenly he/she fell through the leaves on the ground and into a big pit -- it was a trap! It took a few hours for NAME to scale the walls and climb out, only to be greeted by the three bandits who had set the trap. After a close fight, NAME was victorious.

While picking his/her way through the murky darkness of the swamp, NAME heard a faint cry for help. When he/she rushed forward, he/she saw another adventurer struggling in a patch of quicksand!

(found in Book of the Four Gods, encounter #1)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #2,3)

NAME, thinking quickly, produced the ten-foot pole and length of rope that he/she conveniently had been carrying in his/her backpack. Using those tools, he/she was able to easily construct an apparatus to save the sinking adventurer. In thanks, the adventurer gave him/her some gold before heading off into the swamp.
  • 69 XP
  • 14-21 gold

NAME cautiously approached a scary weathered shack made of blackened wood and clay, a pale purple glow leaking from its windows. Suddenly, the front door flew open and therein appeared a witch whose very skin crackled with age and power.

(found in Book of the Four Gods, encounter #1,2)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #1,2,3)

Not knowing for certain that the witch was an enemy, he/she greeted her politely. NAME asked if there was something he could do for the witch in exchange for information about recent happenings in the swamp. The witch smiled, happy to be treated nicely for a change. She told NAME what she could and even presented him/her with a gift and an enchantment to aid him/her in his/her adventures. Full of fear and lacking understanding, NAME charged the witch, weapon ready to strike her down. The witch cackled and, with the flick of her wrist and wave of her wand, lifted NAME into the air. She tumbled him slowly end over end, completely helpless. After a brief lecture on politeness and something about paper wrappings around tomes, she tossed NAME to the ground and let him go his merry way.
  • 4-6 damage
  • +3 Charisma for 3 encounters
  • 20 XP

There were a great many old logs lying around the swamp. As they laid rotting, a thick and furry green moss had begun to engulf them. There was something peculiar about one of the mossy logs . . .

(found in Book of the Four Gods, encounter #1,2)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #2)

After staring for what seemed a long time, the answer dawned on NAME -- the moss was only growing on half of this log and there was a very straight line dividing the mossy half from the plain old, rotted, black, and wet half. The log must have been rolled! A quick search led to a hidden treasure. The treasure had the markings of a well-known tribe of bandit goblins active in those parts. He/She relieved the bandits of their stash. Unable to figure out what was so peculiar about that log, NAME forged ahead through the swamp. Only much later did NAME realize that he/she should have looked under the log.
  • 22 XP

The tangler beetle population seemed to be increasing in the swamp. This time, they had trapped NAME a few yards away from some patrolling soldiers also trapped in their entangling spittle. The stuff was so strong it could hold a giant.

(found in ADVENTURE, encounter #XX)

NAME knew that beetle spittle weakened as it dried, so s/he flopped onto her/his back in the shallow water and held her/his arms and legs aloft so they could dry out. The goo soon became brittle. NAME freed herself/himself and killed the beetles before they could eat the soldiers. Struggle as he/she might, NAME could not break free. The beetle spit just would not wash off in the shallow water. Luckily, another soldier had avoided capture. He crept over to free them thanks to his expert knowledge of beetle saliva. Together they killed the beetles, but not before the foul things had finished eating one of the captured soldiers.
  • 15 damage
  • 48 XP
  • 33 gold

Strength (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

After a long afternoon of adventuring, NAME came across a family and their wagon stuck deep in the mud. They were moving to the city because the father had gotten a new job in a prominent guild.

(found in Book of the Four Gods, encounter #2)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #1,3)

He/She braced him/herself and, with a mighty heave, freed the wagon and pushed it to a drier patch of road. The family was grateful that they had escaped the swamp before night fell. They gave NAME a gift for helping them on their way. He/She huffed and puffed, but even with all his/her might he/she could not budge the wagon an inch. He/She guarded the family from several attacks during the night. The next morning, another adventurer happened by and together they freed the wagon. The family hurried on, lingering only long enough to reward the adventurers for their assistance.
  • ? damage
  • 18 XP
  • ? gold

Wisdom (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

While slogging along in the swamp, NAME came upon a strange looking patch of wet sand.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 9

(found in Book of the Four Gods, encounter #1,2)

(found in Tomb of the Lizard King, encounter #1,3)

Recognizing it immediately as quicksand, NAME decided to take an alternate route. It meant more walking but a lot less dying.
  • 55 XP
Thinking nothing of it, NAME stomped right on through -- only to find himself/herself waist deep in quicksand! NAME knew better than to panic and get himself/herself further mired. He/She relaxed and tried to float. Luckily another adventurer happened along, threw NAME a rope, and pulled him/her to safety.
  • 16 XP

Level 3 (empty)[]

Level 4 (empty)[]

Level 5[]

Special Types[]

(0) Constructs[]
(0) Dragons[]
(0) Giants[]
(0) Magic[]
(0) Traps[]
(1 rare) Undead[]

Armor Class (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME could not recall a time all day when he/she didn't have a bad feeling about the swamp. The moment the vine horror's vicious vines shot toward him/her was no exception.

(found in Arcane Tower of Senraven, encounter #3,4)

(found in Seal the Rift, encounter #4)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #4)

After avoiding the entangling leafy tentacles, NAME's eyes followed the vines to their source and he/she ATTACKED the horror repeatedly with his/her WEAPON TYPE. It took a while, but the creature finally went down. It had apparently killed an adventurer or two in the past, and some of their bones and equipment lied nearby. The vines ensnared NAME and began draining the life out of him/her. He/She squirmed and struggled until he/she finally reached a dagger in his/her boot and cut himself/herself free. NAME's eyes followed the vines to their source and he/she ATTACKED the horror repeatedly with his/her WEAPON TYPE. It took a while, but the creature finally went down. It had apparently killed an adventurer or two in the past, and some of their bones and equipment laid nearby.

Attack Bonus (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Ambushing an ettercap webspinner was hard enough, but facing off against two ettercap fang guards was harder still. They were slowly circling NAME from opposite sides.

(found in Arcane Tower of Senraven, encounter #3,4,5)

NAME feinted at one with his/her WEAPON and delivered a thundering kick to the other. The feint caused the ettercap to back off so far that NAME could ignore it long enough to leap onto the one he/she had kicked and finishing it off. Some good old WEAPON action finished the other fang guard off.
  • 90 XP
  • 41-64 gold
After s/he feinted at one with her/his WEAPON, NAME attempted to kick the other one but missed, falling flat on her/his face. A quick roll out of the way spared her/him a greataxe in the back, but the fang guard's fearsome weapon ended up connecting more than once in the long two-on-one battle that ensued.
  • 7-15 damage
  • 30 XP
  • 16-23 gold

Swamps occasionally smell bad, but the particular area of the swamp NAME had been sloshing through was downright revolting. He/she abruptly stopped for a particularly fierce wave of nausea. Good thing he/she did because, just at that moment, the ugly tentacle of an otyugh swiped through the air where he/she would have been had he/she not paused.

(found in Seal the Rift, encounter #6,7)

Felling such a foul foe was not easy, but connecting with his/her WEAPON on the first shot definitely set the tone for the fight. Soon there was nothing to fear but the horrendous odor.
  • 129 XP
  • ? gold
  • ?item?
Felling such a foul foe was not easy, and it got in a painful counterattack when NAME's first attack missed. His/Her aim soon improved, but he/she hurried off after killing the otyugh to find some clearer water with which to clean his/her wounds.

Charisma (3 + 1 rare)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Why the two young lovers were traveling in the swamp was none of NAME's business. Nor was their dreadful lack of protection from all sorts of monsters. It was a miracle they were still unharmed. Still he/she felt bad just leaving them there, shouting at each other at the top of their lungs. Surely some hungry creature would hear them and come for them soon. So he/she tried to defuse the argument and get them on their way.

(found in Arcane Tower of Senraven, encounter #3,4,5)

(found in Seal the Rift, encounter #4)

He/she reminded them that their love should transcend the smaller things in life. It doesn't matter who started it, only who would put themselves above continuing it. The lovers were grateful for NAME's advice -- and wealthy. They rewarded for settling their dispute.
  • 95 XP
  • 44-67 gold
Everything NAME said only made the fight worse, and soon the lovers were angry with him/her as well as each other. NAME fled the scene before something deadly came by.
  • 33 XP

In order to spy on the gnolls, NAME had disguised himself/herself as one and infiltrated their camp. They were deciding who they should attack next -- the nice people in the town on the edge of the swamp, or the kobolds who had begun to invade their territory. NAME spoke up.

(found in Arcane Tower of Senraven, encounter #3,4)

(found in Glacier of the Frost Giant, encounter #3)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #3)

NAME's disguise held. He/She convinced the gnolls to attack the kobolds, taking care of two threats with one masterfully persuasive speech. After they set out on their raid, he/she looted their camp. Opening his/her mouth was a big mistake, and the gnolls instantly saw through NAME's disguise. They chased him/her from the camp. Fearing the humans were a greater threat if they could infiltrate the gnoll camp so easily, they decided to attack the townspeople.
  • 10-14 damage
  • 42 XP

NAME was lost in the swamp. He/She had found his/her way to a road, but which road he/she didn't know. There he/she met some well guarded and rich-looking merchants who didn't appear to be in the mood to help lost adventurers.

(found in Arcane Tower of Senraven, encounter #4)

NAME was instantly irresistible, and one of the merchants warmed up to him/her. They shared their map of the area, allowing NAME to get his/her bearings straight. He/she was able to find the abandoned fort he/she had seen on a map in town and relieved it of some treasure.
  • 117 XP
  • 65-83 gold
NAME tried, but the merchants were not interested in talking. They called him/her several unpleasant names as well, focusing their verbal attacks on the prestige differences between high class merchants and swamp-trudging monster-molesting adventurers.
  • 40 XP
Something evil was definitely going down in this swamp, NAME decided, when he/she was faced with a small group of ghouls and skeletons. He/She tried to turn them away by shouting a prayer and invoking the name of his/her god.

(found in Seal the Rift, encounter #6)

He/She put everything he had into it, and the undead froze in place. Whether it was luck or divine intervention NAME was not sure. He/She was sure that shattering skeletons is much easier when they're immobile. The skeletons and ghouls were not interested in NAME's parlor tricks and didn't slow their pace. As NAME fought them, he/she guessed they failed to find his lack of faith disturbing. Still, he/she managed to down a few of them before retreating.

Constitution (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

While climbing through the branches of a cypress tree, NAME heard the approach of several unpleasant voices and the sloshing of feet through the swamp. It was a pack of foulspawn! He/She stood frozen in a very awkward position, but he/she dared not move lest he/she give him/herself away as the monsters drew near.

(found in Seal the Rift, encounter #5)

SUCCESS TEXT His/Her arms began to ache, but he/she held on while the foulspawn berserker got into an argument with one of the manglers. As his/her grip began to slip, the seer interrupted the fight and ordered them all to move on. They were still only a few yards away when NAME's arms gave out and he/she dropped into the water with a loud splash. He/She didn't look back to see if the foulspawn were chasing, but the distortion blast that slammed into his/her back implied that they were.
  • 9 damage
  • 48 XP

Dexterity (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Sitting on top of a young gnoll he/she had just subdued, NAME heard the cries of more gnolls approaching. Not wanting the gnoll to be able to chase him/her, he/she pulled out a rope to tie it up with.

(found in Arcane Tower of Senraven, encounter #3,4,5)

Working quickly, he/she bound the gnoll tightly with difficult knots and blindfolded it so it could not see which way he/she went. He/She had time to relieve it of its valuables before racing off into the swamp. Fumbling, he/she barely got the first knot tied when he/she caught a glimpse of more gnolls rapidly approaching. was surrounded. The gnolls got a few good blows in on NAME, but in the end all the entire pack was bound, gagged, and looted.

Intelligence (3)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Dodging trees and arrows was not the best way to spend an afternoon in the swamp. Neither was being chased by an extra-large tangler beetle.

(found in Arcane Tower of Senraven, encounter #3,4,5)

NAME saw some vines on the ground between the trees ahead. He/She dove behind one of the trees, grabbed a vine and pulled it low and tight across the gap. It was the sort of trick that NAME didn't expect to work, but in this case the beetle went head over heels in a beautiful arc and landed upside down. It was easy prey for NAME after that.
  • 80 XP
  • 36-60 gold
He/She couldn't think of anything better to do and kept running. The giant insect got in a few successful attacks before he/she outpaced it.

  • 8-15 damage
  • 25 XP
  • 14-18 gold

The tangler beetle population seemed to be increasing in the swamp. This time, they had trapped NAME a few yards away from some patrolling soldiers also trapped in their entangling spittle. The stuff was so strong it could hold a giant.

(found in Arcane Tower of Senraven, encounter #3,4)

(found in Seal the Rift, encounter #7)

NAME knew that beetle spittle weakened as it dried, so s/he flopped onto her/his back in the shallow water and held her/his arms and legs aloft so they could dry out. The goo soon became brittle. NAME freed herself/himself and killed the beetles before they could eat the soldiers. Struggle as s/he might, NAME could not break free. The beetle spit just would not wash off in the shallow water. Luckily, another soldier had avoided capture. He crept over to free them thanks to his expert knowledge of beetle saliva. Together they killed the beetles, but not before the foul things had finished eating one of the captured soldiers.
  • 8-11 damage
  • 48 XP
  • 24-34 gold

Early in the morning, NAME awoke and killed a bugbear in his/her pajamas. What the bugbear was doing in his/her pajamas he/she might never know. Later that day, he/she saw a group of bugbears painting some sort of design on the side of a covered wagon. There was something else weird about them too.

(found in Seal the Rift, encounter #5)

Suddenly it dawned on him/her that they were dressed in troubadour costumes and were disguising the wagon so they could infiltrate a town as traveling entertainers. Knowing he/she had to stop them, he/she killed the two bugbears guarding the perimeter and then snuck in close to set the wagon on fire. In the confusion that ensued he/she finished off the rest of them.

  • 132 XP
  • ? gold
  • ?item?
He/She couldn't figure out what else was weird about the bugbears, so he/she just challenged and killed a few that wandered off alone and moved on, leaving the main group alone.

  • 14 damage
  • 46 XP
  • 30 gold

Strength (1 rare)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Hardened, thick, woody vines blocked the entrance to the grove of black gum trees ahead.

(found in Arcane Tower of Senraven, encounter #4)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #3)

After getting a firm grip, NAME tore, pried, and forced his/her way in. It was eerie the way a tight web of vines had grown to surround this circle of trees, and even curiouser that an old stump with a sack of gold on it lay peacefully at the center. Not one to complain, NAME took the gold and continued on his/her adventure.
  • 135 XP
  • 127-150(max) gold
The vines were too thick and strong to get by, so NAME walked around the grove. It wasn't very big and the detour didn't slow him/her down much.
  • 50 XP

Wisdom (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Trudging through the swamp, s/he heard the distinctive sound of a snake approaching from behind. Whipping around, s/he came face to face with a deathrattle viper! The huge snake reared up, bearing its deadly fangs.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 15

(found in Arcane Tower of Senraven, encounter #3,4,5)

A cold shiver shot through NAME, but s/he remained in control. Even if the dark god Zehir had blessed this snake with unnatural intelligence, it was still no match for NAME. It turned out that there was some half-digested loot in its belly too. Startled and injured, NAME panicked and fled.
  • 8-14 damage
  • 29 XP

Level 6[]

Special Types[]

(0) Constructs[]
(0) Dragons[]
(0) Giants[]
(0) Magic[]
(0) Traps[]
(0) Undead[]

Armor Class (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME could not recall a time all day when he/she didn't have a bad feeling about the swamp. The moment the vine horror's vicious vines shot toward him/her was no exception.

(found in Glacier of the Frost Giant, encounter #1,3,4,5)

After avoiding the entangling leafy tentacles, NAME's eyes followed the vines to their source and she/he ATTACKED the horror repeatedly with his/her WEAPON TYPE. It took a while, but the creature finally went down. It had apparently killed an adventurer or two in the past, and some of their bones and equipment lied nearby. The vines ensnared NAME and began draining the life out of him/her. He/She squirmed and struggled until he/she finally reached a dagger in his/her boot and cut himself/herself free. NAME's eyes followed the vines to their source and he/she hacked the horror repeatedly with his/her WEAPON. It took a while, but the creature finally went down. It had apparently killed an adventurer or two in the past, and some of their bones and equipment laid nearby.

Attack Bonus (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Swamps occasionally smell bad, but the particular area of the swamp NAME had been sloshing through was downright revolting. He/she abruptly stopped for a particularly fierce wave of nausea. Good thing he/she did because, just at that moment, the ugly tentacle of an otyugh swiped through the air where he/she would have been had he/she not paused.

(found in Glacier of the Frost Giant, encounter #3,4)

Felling such a foul foe was not easy, but connecting with his/her WEAPON on the first shot definitely set the tone for the fight. Soon there was nothing to fear but the horrendous odor. Felling such a foul foe was not easy, and it got in a painful counterattack when NAME's first attack missed. His/Her aim soon improved, but he/she hurried off after killing the otyugh to find some clearer water with which to clean his/her wounds.

Ambushing an ettercap webspinner was hard enough, but facing off against two ettercap fang guards was harder still. They were slowly circling NAME from opposite sides.

(found in Glacier of the Frost Giant, encounter #1,4)

NAME feinted at one with his/her WEAPON and delivered a thundering kick to the other. The feint caused the ettercap to back off so far that NAME could ignore it long enough to leap onto the one he/she had kicked and finishing it off. Some good old WEAPON TYPE action finished the other fang guard off.

  • 90 XP
  • 43-66 gold

Charisma (3)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Why the two young lovers were traveling in the swamp was none of NAME's business. Nor was their dreadful lack of protection from all sorts of monsters. It was a miracle they were still unharmed. Still he/she felt bad just leaving them there, shouting at each other at the top of their lungs. Surely some hungry creature would hear them and come for them soon. So he/she tried to defuse the argument and get them on their way.

(found in Glacier of the Frost Giant, encounter #2,4)

He/she reminded them that their love should transcend the smaller things in life. It doesn't matter who started it, only who would put themselves above continuing it. The lovers were grateful for NAME's advice -- and wealthy. They rewarded for settling their dispute.
  • 95 XP
  • 44-66 gold
Everything NAME said only made the fight worse, and soon the lovers were angry with him/her as well as each other. NAME fled the scene before something deadly came by.
  • 33 XP

NAME was lost in the swamp. He/She had found his/her way to a road, but which road he/she didn't know. There he/she met some well guarded and rich-looking merchants who didn't appear to be in the mood to help lost adventurers.

(found in Glacier of the Frost Giant, encounter #1,2,3,4,5)

NAME was instantly irresistible, and one of the merchants warmed up to him/her. They shared their map of the area, allowing NAME to get his/her bearings straight. He/She was able to find the abandoned fort he/she had seen on a map in town and relieved it of some treasure.
  • 117 XP
  • 67-100(max) gold
NAME tried, but the merchants were not interested in talking. They called him/her several unpleasant names as well, focusing their verbal attacks on the prestige differences between high class merchants and swamp-trudging monster-molesting adventurers.
  • 40 XP

In order to spy on the gnolls, NAME had disguised him/herself as one and infiltrated their camp. They were deciding who they should attack next -- the nice people in the town on the edge of the swamp, or the kobolds who had begun to invade their territory. NAME spoke up.

(found in Glacier of the Frost Giant, encounter #1,2,3)

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #2)

NAME's disguise held. He/She convinced the gnolls to attack the kobolds, taking care of two threats with one masterfully persuasive speech. After they set out on their raid, he/she looted their camp. Opening his/her mouth was a big mistake, and the gnolls instantly saw through NAMES's disguise. They chased him/her from the camp. Fearing the humans were a greater threat if they could infiltrate the gnoll camp so easily, they decided to attack the townspeople.
  • 8-16 damage
  • 42 XP

Constitution (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

While climbing through the branches of a cypress tree, NAME heard the approach of several unpleasant voices and the sloshing of feet through the swamp. It was a pack of foulspawn! He/She stood frozen in a very awkward position, but he/she dared not move lest he/she give him/herself away as the monsters drew near.

(found in ADVENTURE, encounter #XX)

Though his/her arms began to ache and his/her nose began to itch, s/he held on for what seemed an eternity as the foulspawn berserker got into an argument with one of the manglers. The seer interrupted their fight, but not before the mangler dropped something into the water. The pack moved on, and once they were safely out of earshot NAME climbed down, rubbed his/her sore arms, and picked up what the foulspawn had dropped. His/Her arms began to ache, but he/she held on while the foulspawn berserker got into an argument with one of the manglers. As his/her grip began to slip, the seer interrupted the fight and ordered them all to move on. They were still only a few yards away when NAME's arms gave out and he/she dropped into the water with a loud splash. He/She didn't look back to see if the foulspawn were chasing, but the distortion blast that slammed into his/her back implied that they were.
  • 10 damage
  • 48 XP

Dexterity (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Sitting on top of a young gnoll he/she had just subdued, NAME heard the cries of more gnolls approaching. Not wanting the gnoll to be able to chase him/her, he/she pulled out a rope to tie it up with.

(found in Glacier of the Frost Giant, encounter #1,2,3,4)

Working quickly, he/she bound the gnoll tightly with difficult knots and blindfolded it so it could not see which way he/she went. He/She had time to relieve it of its valuables before racing off into the swamp. Fumbling, he/she barely got the first knot tied when he/she caught a glimpse of more gnolls rapidly approaching. NAME was surrounded. The gnolls got a few good blows in on NAME, but in the end all the entire pack was bound, gagged, and looted.

Intelligence (4)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Dodging trees and arrows was not the best way to spend an afternoon in the swamp. Neither was being chased by an extra-large tangler beetle.

(found in Glacier of the Frost Giant, encounter #1,2,3,4)

NAME saw some vines on the ground between the trees ahead. He/She dove behind one of the trees, grabbed a vine and pulled it low and tight across the gap. It was the sort of trick that NAME didn't expect to work, but in this case the beetle went head over heels in a beautiful arc and landed upside down. It was easy prey for NAME after that.
  • 80 XP
  • 37-60(max) gold
He/She couldn't think of anything better to do and kept running. The giant insect got in a few successful attacks before he/she outpaced it.
  • 10-14 damage
  • 25 XP
  • 15-19 gold

The tangler beetle population seemed to be increasing in the swamp. This time, they had trapped NAME a few yards away from some patrolling soldiers also trapped in their entangling spittle. The stuff was so strong it could hold a giant.

(found in Glacier of the Frost Giant, encounter #1,2,5)

NAME knew that beetle spittle weakened as it dried, so he/she flopped onto his/her back in the shallow water and held his/her arms and legs aloft so they could dry out. The goo soon became brittle. NAME freed himself/herself and killed the beetles before they could eat the soldiers. Struggle as he/she might, NAME could not break free. The beetle spit just would not wash off in the shallow water. Luckily, another soldier had avoided capture. He crept over to free them thanks to his expert knowledge of beetle saliva. Together they killed the beetles, but not before the foul things had finished eating one of the captured soldiers.
  • 8-16 damage
  • 48 XP
  • 22-35 gold

Early in the morning, NAME awoke and killed a bugbear in his/her pajamas. What the bugbear was doing in his/her pajamas he/she might never know. Later that day, he/she saw a group of bugbears painting some sort of design on the side of a covered wagon. There was something else weird about them too.

(found in Glacier of the Frost Giant, encounter #3)

Suddenly it dawned on him/her that they were dressed in troubadour costumes and were disguising the wagon so they could infiltrate a town as traveling entertainers. Knowing he/she had to stop them, he/she killed the two bugbears guarding the perimeter and then snuck in close to set the wagon on fire. In the confusion that ensued he/she finished off the rest of them. He/She couldn't figure out what else was weird about the bugbears, so he/she just challenged and killed a few that wandered off alone and moved on, leaving the main group alone.
  • 16 damage
  • 46 XP
  • 21 gold

NAME was carefully picking his/her way through an old castle that had half-sunk into the swamp. One of the walls was decorated with an elaborate mosaic. It depicted some very weird events and he/she stared at it for a long time.

(found in Glacier of the Frost Giant, encounter #3)

While his/her eyes wandered over the art, his/her brain was wandering as well and, suddenly, he/she realized there was a secret code in the mosaic. It was actually a map to a hiding place in the castle! He/she followed the map and found a hidden treasure.
  • 113 XP
  • 79-87 gold
Once he/she got tired of staring, he/she pulled off all the gold tiles from the mosaic to sell back in town.
  • 37 XP
  • 16 gold

Strength (1 rare)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Hardened, thick, woody vines blocked the entrance to the grove of black gum trees ahead.

(found in Glacier of the Frost Giant, encounter #1,2)

After getting a firm grip, NAME tore, pried, and forced his/her way in. It was eerie the way a tight web of vines had grown to surround this circle of trees, and even curiouser that an old stump with a sack of gold on it lay peacefully at the center. Not one to complain, NAME took the gold and continued on his/her adventure.
  • 135 XP
  • 96-150(max) gold
The vines were too thick and strong to get by, so NAME walked around the grove. It wasn't very big and the detour didn't slow him/her down much.
  • 50 XP

Wisdom (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Trudging through the swamp, he/she heard the distinctive sound of a snake approaching from behind. Whipping around, he/she came face to face with a deathrattle viper! The huge snake reared up, bearing its deadly fangs.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 15

(found in Glacier of the Frost Giant, encounter #1,3,4)

A cold shiver shot through NAME, but he/she remained in control. Even if the dark god Zehir had blessed this snake with unnatural intelligence, it was still no match for NAME. It turned out that there was some half-digested loot in its belly too. Startled and injured, NAME panicked and fled.
  • 7-15 damage
  • 29 XP

Level 7[]

Special Types[]

(0) Constructs[]
(0) Dragons[]
(0) Giants[]
(0) Magic[]
(0) Traps[]
(1+rare) Undead[]

Armor Class (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

NAME could not recall a time all day when he/she didn't have a bad feeling about the swamp. The moment the vine horror's vicious vines shot toward him/her was no exception.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #1,2)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #1,2,3,5)

After avoiding the entangling leafy tentacles, NAME's eyes followed the vines to their source and he/she smote the horror repeatedly with his/her WEAPON TYPE. It took a while, but the creature finally went down. It had apparently killed an adventurer or two in the past, and some of their bones and equipment lied nearby. The vines ensnared NAME and began draining the life out of him/her. He/She squirmed and struggled until she/he finally reached a dagger in his/her boot and cut himself/herself free. NAME's eyes followed the vines to their source and she/he devastated the horror repeatedly with his/her WEAPON TYPE. It took a while, but the creature finally went down. It had apparently killed an adventurer or two in the past, and some of their bones and equipment laid nearby.

The battle wight's souldraining longsword sliced through the air and straight for NAME.

(found in Storm City, encounter #5,7)

He/She ducked in time and caught the wight in the ankle with an attack from his/her WEAPON TYPE. The wight toppled over and NAME ATTACKED it with his WEAPON TYPE. When it connected, NAME could feel the life being sucked out of him/her. He/She was beginning to falter when another adventurer swung in on a vine and kicked the wight with both feet, toppling it. NAME pulled himself together and ATTACKED it with his/her WEAPON TYPE.
  • 13 damage
  • 55 XP
  • 34 gold

Attack Bonus (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Ambushing an ettercap webspinner was hard enough, but facing off against two ettercap fang guards was harder still. They were slowly circling NAME from opposite sides.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #1)

NAME feinted at one with his/her WEAPON and delivered a thundering kick to the other. The feint caused the ettercap to back off so far that NAME could ignore it long enough to leap onto the one he/she had kicked and finishing it off. Some good old WEAPON action finished the other fang guard off.
  • 90 XP
  • 41 gold
After he/she feinted at one with her/his WEAPON, NAME attempted to kick the other one but missed, falling flat on his/her face. A quick roll out of the way spared him/her a greataxe in the back, but the fang guard's fearsome weapon ended up connecting more than once in the long two-on-one battle that ensued.
  • ? damage
  • 30 XP
  • ? gold

Swamps occasionally smell bad, but the particular area of the swamp NAME had been sloshing through was downright revolting. He/She abruptly stopped for a particularly fierce wave of nausea. Good thing he/she did because, just at that moment, the ugly tentacle of an otyugh swiped through the air where s/he would have been had he/she not paused.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #1,2)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #1,2,3,4,5)

(found in Storm City, encounter #5)

Felling such a foul foe was not easy, but connecting with his/her WEAPON on the first shot definitely set the tone for the fight. Soon there was nothing to fear but the horrendous odor. Felling such a foul foe was not easy, and it got in a painful counterattack when NAME's first attack missed. His/Her aim soon improved, but s/he hurried off after killing the otyugh to find some clearer water with which to clean his/her wounds.

Charisma (5 + 1 rare)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Why the two young lovers were traveling in the swamp was none of NAME's business. Nor was their dreadful lack of protection from all sorts of monsters. It was a miracle they were still unharmed. Still he/she felt bad just leaving them there, shouting at each other at the top of their lungs. Surely some hungry creature would hear them and come for them soon. So he/she tried to defuse the argument and get them on their way.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #1)

He/She reminded them that their love should transcend the smaller things in life. It doesn't matter who started it, only who would put themselves above continuing it. The lovers were grateful for NAME's advice -- and wealthy. They rewarded for settling their dispute.
  • 95 XP
  • 44-67 gold
Everything NAME said only made the fight worse, and soon the lovers were angry with him/her as well as each other. NAME fled the scene before something deadly came by.
  • 33 XP

In order to spy on the gnolls, NAME had disguised himself/herself as one and infiltrated their camp. They were deciding who they should attack next -- the nice people in the town on the edge of the swamp, or the kobolds who had begun to invade their territory. NAME spoke up.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #1,2)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #1,2,3,4)

NAME's disguise held. She/he convinced the gnolls to attack the kobolds, taking care of two threats with one masterfully persuasive speech. After they set out on their raid, he/she looted their camp. Opening his/her mouth was a big mistake, and the gnolls instantly saw through NAME's disguise. They chased him/her from the camp. Fearing the humans were a greater threat if they could infiltrate the gnoll camp so easily, they decided to attack the townspeople.
  • 10-15 damage
  • 42 XP

NAME was lost in the swamp. He/She had found his/her way to a road, but which road he/she didn't know. There he/she met some well guarded and rich-looking merchants who didn't appear to be in the mood to help lost adventurers.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #2)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #1,2,3,4,5)

NAME was instantly irresistible, and one of the merchants warmed up to him/her. They shared their map of the area, allowing NAME to get his/her bearings straight. He/She was able to find the abandoned fort he/she had seen on a map in town and relieved it of some treasure.
  • 117 XP
  • 61-100(max) gold
NAME tried, but the merchants were not interested in talking. They called him/her several unpleasant names as well, focusing their verbal attacks on the prestige differences between high class merchants and swamp-trudging monster-molesting adventurers.
  • 40 XP

Earlier, NAME had spied on a group of gnolls and discovered they were working with a balgura demon! Unable to handle such a group alone, he/she had left them and taken another path. Now he/she had met a party of adventurers and hoped to convince them to rise to the challenge.

(found in Storm City, encounter #6)

Praising their strength and overselling the glory they would recive, he/she managed to convince the party to join him/her and take on the balgura and gnolls. Somehow, the fight turned out to be more glorious than NAME had boasted it would be -- soldiers from the nearest town showed up just in time to see the party's leader behead the demon with her greatsword. They were so drunk with pride, they let NAME have his/her first choice of loot.
  • 163 XP
  • ? gold
  • ?magic item?
The party was not convinced by NAME's brutal description of the cruelty of balguras. In fact, they seemed to shrink while hearing of the heinous deeds NAME told them they would be preventing if they killed the demon. The party ended up convincing him/her they should just fight some unusually large rodents instead. It wasn't much of a challenge, but at least nobody lost any intestines.
  • 13 damage
  • 39 XP
  • 32 gold

While crossing the swamp, NAME came across two carriages with their horses entangled and their passengers shouting at the top of their lungs, all sloshing around in the mud.

(found in Storm City, encounter #6,7)

NAME gracefully diffused the argument and convinced both parties each was wrong on some counts and right on others. Finally seeing both points of view, they all worked together to separate the two broken carriages and jury-rig one working carriage so they could get home. They also found some gold in their purses to thank NAME.
  • 155 XP
  • 79 gold
NAME attempted to calm everyone down, but soon found himself embroiled in an ever-louder argument with one of the passengers. Suddenly, one of the horses broke loose and trampled NAME before storming off into the swamp. One of the coachmen chased after it. This freed the other carriage and the woman with whom NAME was arguing got in it with a huff and left. When the coachman returned with the other horse, NAME helped repair the carriage and the coachman gave him a tip for his help.
  • 8 damage
  • 51 XP
  • 36 gold

Something evil was definitely going down in this swamp, NAME decided, when he/she was faced with a small group of ghouls and skeletons. He/She tried to turn them away by shouting a prayer and invoking the name of her/his god.

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #1,4)

He/She put everything he/she had into it, and the undead froze in place. Whether it was luck or divine intervention NAME was not sure. She/He was sure that shattering skeletons is much easier when they're immobile. The skeletons and ghouls were not interested in NAME's parlor tricks and didn't slow their pace. As NAME fought them, he/she guessed they failed to find her/his lack of faith disturbing. Still, he/she managed to down a few of them before retreating.

Constitution (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

While climbing through the branches of a cypress tree, NAME heard the approach of several unpleasant voices and the sloshing of feet through the swamp. It was a pack of foulspawn! He/She stood frozen in a very awkward position, but she/he dared not move lest he/she give himself/herself away as the monsters drew near.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #1,2)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #1,2,3,4,5)

(found in Storm City, encounter #5,6)

Though his/her arms began to ache and his/her nose began to itch, he/she held on for what seemed an eternity as the foulspawn berserker got into an argument with one of the manglers. The seer interrupted their fight, but not before the mangler dropped something into the water. The pack moved on, and once they were safely out of earshot NAME climbed down, rubbed his/her sore arms, and picked up what the foulspawn had dropped. His/Her arms began to ache, but she/he held on while the foulspawn berserker got into an argument with one of the manglers. As his/her grip began to slip, the seer interrupted the fight and ordered them all to move on. They were still only a few yards away when NAME's arms gave out and he/she dropped into the water with a loud splash. He/She didn't look back to see if the foulspawn were chasing, but the distortion blast that slammed into her/his back implied that they were.
  • 11-17(max) damage
  • 48 XP

Dexterity (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Sitting on top of a young gnoll she/he had just subdued, NAME heard the cries of more gnolls approaching. Not wanting the gnoll to be able to chase her/him, s/he pulled out a rope to tie it up with.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #1)

(found in Glacier of the Frost Giant, encounter #1)

Working quickly, she/he bound the gnoll tightly with difficult knots and blindfolded it so it could not see which way she/he went. She/he had time to relieve it of its valuables before racing off into the swamp. Fumbling, she/he barely got the first knot tied when she/he caught a glimpse of more gnolls rapidly approaching. was surrounded. [sic] The gnolls got a few good blows in on NAME, but in the end all the entire pack was bound, gagged, and looted.

Intelligence (3)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

The tangler beetle population seemed to be increasing in the swamp. This time, they had trapped NAME a few yards away from some patrolling soldiers also trapped in their entangling spittle. The stuff was so strong it could hold a giant.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #2)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #1,2,3,4,5)

NAME knew that beetle spittle weakened as it dried, so he/she flopped onto his/her back in the shallow water and held his/her arms and legs aloft so they could dry out. The goo soon became brittle. NAME freed himself/herself and killed the beetles before they could eat the soldiers. Struggle as he/she might, NAME could not break free. The beetle spit just would not wash off in the shallow water. Luckily, another soldier had avoided capture. He crept over to free them thanks to his expert knowledge of beetle saliva. Together they killed the beetles, but not before the foul things had finished eating one of the captured soldiers.
  • 9-16 damage
  • 48 XP
  • 24-37 gold

Early in the morning, NAME awoke and killed a bugbear in his pajamas. What the bugbear was doing in his pajamas he/she might never know. Later that day, he/she saw a group of bugbears painting some sort of design on the side of a covered wagon. There was something else weird about them too.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #1,2)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #1,2,4,5)

(found in Storm City, encounter #5,7)

Suddenly it dawned on him/her that they were dressed in troubadour costumes and were disguising the wagon so they could infiltrate a town as traveling entertainers. Knowing he/she had to stop them, he/she killed the two bugbears guarding the perimeter and then snuck in close to set the wagon on fire. In the confusion that ensued he/she finished off the rest of them. NAME couldn't figure out what else was weird about the bugbears, so he/she just challenged and killed a few that wandered off alone and moved on, leaving the main group alone.
  • 9-16 damage
  • 46 XP
  • 20-30 gold

NAME was carefully picking his/her way through an old castle that had half-sunk into the swamp. One of the walls was decorated with an elaborate mosaic. It depicted some very weird events and she/he stared at it for a long time.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #1,2)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #1,2,3,4,5)

While his/her eyes wandered over the art, his/her brain was wandering as well and, suddenly, he/she realized there was a secret code in the mosaic. It was actually a map to a hiding place in the castle! He/She followed the map and found a hidden treasure.
  • 113 XP
  • 80-97(max) gold
Once he/she got tired of staring, he/she pulled off all the gold tiles from the mosaic to sell back in town.
  • 37 XP
  • 16-25 gold

Strength (1 rare)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Hardened, thick, woody vines blocked the entrance to the grove of black gum trees ahead.

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #1)

(found in Maze of Madness, encounter #2,3,4)

After getting a firm grip, NAME tore, pried, and forced his/her way in. It was eerie the way a tight web of vines had grown to surround this circle of trees, and even curiouser that an old stump with a sack of gold on it lay peacefully at the center. Not one to complain, NAME took the gold and continued on his/her adventure.
  • 135 XP
  • 98-146 gold
The vines were too thick and strong to get by, so NAME walked around the grove. It wasn't very big and the detour didn't slow him/her down much.
  • 50 XP
  • 29 gold

Wisdom (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Trudging through the swamp, s/he heard the distinctive sound of a snake approaching from behind. Whipping around, s/he came face to face with a deathrattle viper! The huge snake reared up, bearing its deadly fangs.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 15

(found in Gates of Blizzard Peak, encounter #1x2)

A cold shiver shot through NAME, but s/he remained in control. Even if the dark god Zehir had blessed this snake with unnatural intelligence, it was still no match for NAME. It turned out that there was some half-digested loot in its belly too. Startled and injured, NAME panicked and fled.
  • 15 damage
  • 29 XP

A gorgeous young man/woman stood before NAME, beckoning him/her forward.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 18

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #7,9,10)

NAME was not tempted by the charming devil's wily ways, for she/he knew it to be a succubus. After she/he VERBED it with her/his WEAPON TYPE and looted the corpse, she/he shuddered at the thought of what might have transpired.
  • 149 XP
  • ? gold
Lured in by the seemingly innocent creature, NAME soon found her/himself in the clutches of a succubus. I suppose s/he could have escaped sooner, but it was so difficult to build up the will to resist the amazing creature's charms. Hopefully no one was watching.
  • 18 damage
  • -5 Strength for 3 encounters
  • 52 XP

Level 8 (empty)[]

Level 9[]

Special Types[]

(1) Constructs[]
(0) Dragons[]
(0) Giants[]
(0) Magic[]
(0) Traps[]
(1) Undead[]

Armor Class (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

The battle wight's souldraining longsword sliced through the air and straight for NAME.

She/he ducked in time and caught the wight in the ankle with an attack from her WEAPON. The wight toppled over and NAME stabbed it with her/his WEAPON. When it connected, NAME could feel the life being sucked out of him/her. He/she was beginning to falter when another adventurer swung in on a vine and kicked the wight with both feet, toppling it. NAME pulled himself/herself together and VERBED it with his/her WEAPON TYPE.
  • 16-19 damage
  • 55 XP
  • 28-39 gold

Attack Bonus (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

A strange construct of iron and wood had lumbered out of the swamp and onto the road, blocking NAME's way. Several carriages, unable to pass, were backed up. The golem seemed to be somewhat half-heartedly constructed, and it had a very obvious pendant around its neck. NAME decided to take action.

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #8,9,10,11)

NAME aimed carefully and struck the pendant dead center. It broke and the golem froze up. The golem fell heavily to the side of the road, and the travelers all cheered their savior. Some of them even paid him/her a reward.
  • 159 XP
  • 92-122 gold
NAME aimed carefully but missed striking the pendant as the golem jerked out of the way. Its heavy fist smashed into NAME throwing her against a tree. Its attention focused on NAME, she led it into the swamp and off of the road. By the time she shook the construct and returned to the road, only one of the travelers was still there. At least one grateful traveler gave NAME a tip.
  • 11-20 damage
  • 51 XP
  • 28-43 gold

Charisma (3)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

While crossing the swamp, NAME came across two carriages with their horses entangled and their passengers shouting at the top of their lungs, all sloshing around in the mud.

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #7,8,9)

NAME gracefully diffused the argument and convinced both parties each was wrong on some counts and right on others. Finally seeing both points of view, they all worked together to separate the two broken carriages and jury-rig one working carriage so they could get home. They also found some gold in their purses to thank NAME.
  • 155 XP
  • 93-117 gold
NAME attempted to calm everyone down, but soon found himself/herself embroiled in an ever-louder argument with one of the passengers. Suddenly, one of the horses broke loose and trampled NAME before storming off into the swamp. One of the coachmen chased after it. This freed the other carriage and the woman with whom NAME was arguing got in it with a huff and left. When the coachman returned with the other horse, NAME helped repair the carriage and the coachman gave her a tip for her help.
  • 12 damage
  • 51 XP
  • 33 gold

NAME met a young noble where the swamp meets a nearby plain. The noble explained how he intended to build a castle in the swamp. He wanted to strike fear into his political enemies by living near a scary place -- that, and he didn't own any better land to put the thing on. He said he was trying to decide if he should build his castle on the wooded, dry, firm ground he was standing on or in the wet, mushy, possibly quicksand-containing area adjacent to it.

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #8,9,10)

The noble was obviously an idiot and should build his castle on the dry land. NAME remained tactful though, and gently guided him to choose the dry area while allowing him to think he had decided it for himself. The noble smiled and paid NAME a hefty consulting fee for confirming what he, of course, already knew would be the best place for his castle. Acquiring the friendship of a rich noble was sure to be of great advantage in the future as well.
  • 158 XP
  • 85-125 gold
The noble was obviously an idiot and should build his castle on the dry land. NAME told him as much in no uncertain terms. He was a little offended, but because she/he had saved him from building a castle that would just sink into the swamp, he still gave her/he a tip for the advice.
  • 49 XP
  • 31-43 gold

Earlier, NAME had spied on a group of gnolls and discovered they were working with a balgura demon! Unable to handle such a group alone, he/she had left them and taken another path. Now he/she had met a party of adventurers and hoped to convince them to rise to the challenge.

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #7,8,11)

Praising their strength and overselling the glory they would recive, he/she managed to convince the party to join him/her and take on the balgura and gnolls. Somehow, the fight turned out to be more glorious than NAME had boasted it would be -- soldiers from the nearest town showed up just in time to see the party's leader behead the demon with her greatsword. They were so drunk with pride, they let NAME have his/her first choice of loot. The party was not convinced by NAME's brutal description of the cruelty of balguras. In fact, they seemed to shrink while hearing of the heinous deeds NAME told them they would be preventing if they killed the demon. The party ended up convincing him/her they should just fight some unusually large rodents instead. It wasn't much of a challenge, but at least nobody lost any intestines.
  • 11-20 damage
  • 39 XP
  • 25-33 gold

Constitution (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

The venom eye basilisk stared straight at NAME -- that in itself could have been deadly.

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #7,8,9,10,11)

NAME was too tough for this poison and slaughtered the basilisk without getting a scratch. It certainly was very poisonous, and NAME immediately felt weaker as the magical venom ate away at her life. She somehow managed to finish off the basilisk, and eventually her body recovered from the poison.
  • 16-21 damage
  • 48 XP
  • 29-42 gold

Dexterity (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

The pressure was all on NAME. The leader of the party he/she had just joined had sent him/her to sneak up behind the bridge keeper outside the evil swamplord's castle and throw a rock at the lever that released the drawbridge.

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #7,8,9,10)

Choosing a rock of just the right shape and weight, NAME hurled it with startling precision and knocked the lever into position. The guard was startled when the chain rattled and the bridge crashed down, but he was even more startled when NAME VERBED him with his/her WEAPON TYPE. The rest of the raid went even better! Picking up the nearest rock, NAME hurled it at the lever and missed by exactly the right distance to hit the guard square in the ear. The guard rushed over to NAME's position. NAME was struck by the guard's sword before he/she ran into the swamp. The rest of the party defeated the guard, lowered the bridge, and raided the castle. They humored NAME with a little loot, but it was all somewhat embarrassing.

Intelligence (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Deep in the dark recesses of the cursed swamp, he/she came upon a shadar-kai camp. They had not noticed him/her, but there were far too many of them to fight all at once.

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #7,11)

NAME used a series of cleverly planned distractions to draw off the shadar-kai one by one and fight them individually at a safe distance from their camp. When the last one was dealt with, he/she searched their camp for clues and valuable items. He/She charged in anyway, and nearly got himself/herself killed! Eventually forced to flee, at least he/she dispatched one of them. Hopefully his/her injuries will heal soon.
  • 11-20 damage
  • 49 XP
  • 24-34 gold

As NAME was being chased through the swamp by two chuuls, a feymire crocodile, and a bog hag, NAME considered his/her options. They weren't good, especially since three-quarters of them ended in death -- his/her death!

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #7,10,11)

Knowing hags have a soft spot for valuables and seeing the hag running side by side with the first chuul, he/she held his/her most valuable item out to the left, and suddenly stopped. The hag and the chuul both reached out and at the last second NAME dead-dropped into the shallow water. The chuul's claws snapped down where NAME used to be and where the hag had dived across to grab the loot. The hag's severed head skipped along the water and the chuul tripped over NAME's prone body. Leaping up, he/she grabbed the head and turned to face the second chuul. He/she ducked and then sprung up to avoid the claws and bashed the chuul's skull. Then he/she leaped onto the first chuul which was struggling to regain its feet and killed it with his/her WEAPON. Finally the crocodile appeared, bringing up the rear. One on one, NAME had no trouble killing it. Glancing behind her, she/he tripped on a root and face-planted into the shallow water. A chuul and the hag, both hot on NAME's heels, also tripped over the root, flew through the air and slammed into trees. NAME jumped up swinging her/his WEAPON wildly behind her/him, and smote the other chuul right in the eye. While it clawed at its injured eye, NAME scooped up a bag of gold the hag had dropped and turned to face the crocodile bringing up the rear. NAME made quick work of it with her/his WEAPON. Then she/he took off in a new direction and escaped.
  • 18-21 damage
  • 55 XP
  • 27-41 gold

Strength (0)[]

Wisdom (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

A gorgeous young man/woman stood before NAME, beckoning him/her forward.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 18

(found in On the Shores of Despair, encounter #7,9,10)

NAME was not tempted by the charming devil's wily ways, for she/he knew it to be a succubus. After she/he VERBED it with her/his WEAPONTYPE and looted the corpse, she/he shuddered at the thought of what might have transpired.
  • 149 XP
  • 81-122 gold
Lured in by the seemingly innocent creature, NAME soon found her/himself in the clutches of a succubus. I suppose s/he could have escaped sooner, but it was so difficult to build up the will to resist the amazing creature's charms. Hopefully no one was watching.
  • 10-15 damage
  • -5 Strength for 3 encounters
  • 52 XP

Level 10[]

Special Types[]

(1) Constructs[]
(0) Dragons[]
(0) Giants[]
(0) Magic[]
(0) Traps[]
(1) Undead[]

Armor Class (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

The battle wight's souldraining longsword sliced through the air and straight for NAME.

(found in Raid on Nightmare Castle, encounter #1,3)

(found in Temple of the Four Elements, encounter #1,2,3)

He/she ducked in time and caught the wight in the ankle with an attack from his/her WEAPON'. The wight toppled over and NAME'ATTACKED it with his/her WEAPON TYPE. When it connected, NAME could feel the life being sucked out of him/her. He/She was beginning to falter when another adventurer swung in on a vine and kicked the wight with both feet, toppling it. NAME pulled himself/herself together and ATTACKED it with his/her WEAPON TYPE.
  • 11-20 damage
  • 55 XP
  • 29-42 gold

Attack Bonus (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

A strange construct of iron and wood had lumbered out of the swamp and onto the road, blocking NAME's way. Several carriages, unable to pass, were backed up. The golem seemed to be somewhat half-heartedly constructed, and it had a very obvious pendant around its neck. NAME decided to take action.

(found in Raid on Nightmare Castle, encounter #1,2,3,4,5,6)

(found in Temple of the Four Elements, encounter #1,2,3,4)

NAME aimed carefully and struck the pendant dead center. It broke and the golem froze up. The golem fell heavily to the side of the road, and the travelers all cheered their savior. Some of them even paid him/her a reward.
  • 159 XP
  • 84-140(max) gold
NAME aimed carefully but missed striking the pendant as the golem jerked out of the way. Its heavy fist smashed into NAME throwing him/her against a tree. Its attention focused on NAME, he/she led it into the swamp and off of the road. By the time he/she shook the construct and returned to the road, only one of the travelers was still there. At least one grateful traveler gave NAME a tip.
  • 11-21(max) damage
  • 51 XP
  • 27-45(max) gold

Charisma (3)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

While crossing the swamp, NAME came across two carriages with their horses entangled and their passengers shouting at the top of their lungs, all sloshing around in the mud.

(found in Raid on Nightmare Castle, encounter #1,2,3)

(found in Temple of the Four Elements, encounter #1,2,3)

NAME gracefully diffused the argument and convinced both parties each was wrong on some counts and right on others. Finally seeing both points of view, they all worked together to separate the two broken carriages and jury-rig one working carriage so they could get home. They also found some gold in their purses to thank NAME.
  • 155 XP
  • 77-128(max) gold
NAME attempted to calm everyone down, but soon found herself embroiled in an ever-louder argument with one of the passengers. Suddenly, one of the horses broke loose and trampled NAME before storming off into the swamp. One of the coachmen chased after it. This freed the other carriage and the woman with whom NAME was arguing got in it with a huff and left. When the coachman returned with the other horse, NAME helped repair the carriage and the coachman gave her a tip for her help.
  • 8-11 damage
  • 51 XP
  • 26-40 gold

Earlier, NAME had spied on a group of gnolls and discovered they were working with a balgura demon! Unable to handle such a group alone, he/she had left them and taken another path. Now (s)he had met a party of adventurers and hoped to convince them to rise to the challenge.

(found in Raid on Nightmare Castle, encounter #1,2,3)

(found in Temple of the Four Elements, encounter #1,2,3)

Praising their strength and overselling the glory they would recive, he/she managed to convince the party to join him/her and take on the balgura and gnolls. Somehow, the fight turned out to be more glorious than NAME had boasted it would be -- soldiers from the nearest town showed up just in time to see the party's leader behead the demon with her greatsword. They were so drunk with pride, they let NAME have his/her first choice of loot. The party was not convinced by NAME's brutal description of the cruelty of balguras. In fact, they seemed to shrink while hearing of the heinous deeds NAME told them they would be preventing if they killed the demon. The party ended up convincing him/her they should just fight some unusually large rodents instead. It wasn't much of a challenge, but at least nobody lost any intestines.
  • 10-20 damage.
  • 39 XP
  • 25-40 gold

NAME met a young noble where the swamp meets a nearby plain. The noble explained how he intended to build a castle in the swamp. He wanted to strike fear into his political enemies by living near a scary place -- that, and he didn't own any better land to put the thing on. He said he was trying to decide if he should build his castle on the wooded, dry, firm ground he was standing on or in the wet, mushy, possibly quicksand-containing area adjacent to it.

(found in Raid on Nightmare Castle, encounter #1,2,3,4,5,6)

(found in Temple of the Four Elements, encounter #1,2,3,4)

The noble was obviously an idiot and should build his castle on the dry land. NAME remained tactful though, and gently guided him to choose the dry area while allowing him to think he had decided it for himself. The noble smiled and paid NAME a hefty consulting fee for confirming what he, of course, already knew would be the best place for his castle. Acquiring the friendship of a rich noble was sure to be of great advantage in the future as well.
  • 158 XP
  • 84-140 gold
The noble was obviously an idiot and should build his castle on the dry land. NAME told him as much in no uncertain terms. He was a little offended, but because he/she had saved him from building a castle that would just sink into the swamp, he still gave him/her a tip for the advice.
  • 49 XP
  • 30-45 gold

Constitution (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

The venom eye basilisk stared straight at NAME -- that in itself could have been deadly.

(found in Raid on Nightmare Castle, encounter #1,2,3,4,6)

(found in Temple of the Four Elements, encounter #1,2,3,4)

NAME was too tough for this poison and slaughtered the basilisk without getting a scratch. It certainly was very poisonous, and NAME immediately felt weaker as the magical venom ate away at his/her life. He/She somehow managed to finish off the basilisk, and eventually his/her body recovered from the poison.
  • 11-21(max) damage
  • 48 XP
  • 29-45(max) gold

Dexterity (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

The pressure was all on NAME. The leader of the party (s)he had just joined had sent him/her to sneak up behind the bridge keeper outside the evil swamplord's castle and throw a rock at the lever that released the drawbridge.

(found in Raid on Nightmare Castle, encounter #1,2,3,4,5,6)

(found in Temple of the Four Elements, encounter #1,2,3,4)

Choosing a rock of just the right shape and weight, NAME hurled it with startling precision and knocked the lever into position. The guard was startled when the chain rattled and the bridge crashed down, but he was even more startled when NAME ATTACKED him with his/her WEAPON TYPE. The rest of the raid went even better! Picking up the nearest rock, NAME hurled it at the lever and missed by exactly the right distance to hit the guard square in the ear. The guard rushed over to NAME's position. NAME was struck by the guard's sword before he/she ran into the swamp. The rest of the party defeated the guard, lowered the bridge, and raided the castle. They humored NAME with a little loot, but it was all somewhat embarrassing.

Intelligence (2)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

Deep in the dark recesses of the cursed swamp, he/she came upon a shadar-kai camp. They had not noticed him/her, but there were far too many of them to fight all at once.

(found in Raid on Nightmare Castle, encounter #1,2,3)

(found in Temple of the Four Elements, encounter #1,2,3)

NAME used a series of cleverly planned distractions to draw off the shadar-kai one by one and fight them individually at a safe distance from their camp. When the last one was dealt with, he/she searched their camp for clues and valuable items. He/she charged in anyway, and nearly got him/herself killed! Eventually forced to flee, at least he/she dispatched one of them. Hopefully his/her injuries will heal soon.
  • 11-20(max) damage
  • 49 XP
  • 24-41(max) gold

As NAME was being chased through the swamp by two chuuls, a feymire crocodile, and a bog hag, NAME considered his/her options. They weren't good, especially since three-quarters of them ended in death -- his/her death!

(found in Raid on Nightmare Castle, encounter #1,2,3,4,5,6)

(found in Temple of the Four Elements, encounter #1,2,3,4)

Knowing hags have a soft spot for valuables and seeing the hag running side by side with the first chuul, he/she held his/her most valuable item out to the left, and suddenly stopped. The hag and the chuul both reached out and at the last second NAME dead-dropped into the shallow water. The chuul's claws snapped down where NAME used to be and where the hag had dived across to grab the loot. The hag's severed head skipped along the water and the chuul tripped over NAME's prone body. Leaping up, he/she grabbed the head and turned to face the second chuul. He/She ducked and then sprung up to avoid the claws and bashed the chuul's skull. Then he/she leaped onto the first chuul which was struggling to regain its feet and killed it with his/her WEAPON. Finally the crocodile appeared, bringing up the rear. One on one, NAME had no trouble killing it. Glancing behind his/her, he/she tripped on a root and face-planted into the shallow water. A chuul and the hag, both hot on NAME's heels, also tripped over the root, flew through the air and slammed into trees. NAME jumped up swinging his/her WEAPON wildly behind him/her, and ATTACKED the other chuul right in the eye. While it clawed at its injured eye, NAME scooped up a bag of gold the hag had dropped and turned to face the crocodile bringing up the rear. NAME made quick work of it with his/her WEAPON. Then he/she took off in a new direction and escaped.
  • 11-21 damage
  • 55 XP
  • 27-45 gold

Strength (0)[]

Wisdom (1)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results

A gorgeous young man/woman stood before NAME, beckoning him/her forward.

  • Wisdom check with a difficulty of 18

(found in Raid on Nightmare Castle, encounter #1,2,3)

(found in Temple of the Four Elements, encounter #1,2,3)

NAME was not tempted by the charming devil's wily ways, for he/she knew it to be a succubus. After he/she VERBED it with his/her WEAPON TYPE and looted the corpse, he/she shuddered at the thought of what might have transpired.
  • 149 XP
  • 81-125 gold
Lured in by the seemingly innocent creature, NAME soon found himself/herself in the clutches of an incubus. I suppose he/she could have escaped sooner, but it was so difficult to build up the will to resist the amazing creature's charms. Hopefully no one was watching.
  • 11-20(max) damage
  • -5 Strength for 3 encounters
  • 52 XP

Level 11[]

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Ability (X)[]

Encounter Text
Success Results Failure Results


(found in ADVENTURE, encounter #XX)
